Class of 2024: Isabel Siebrecht

Isabel Siebrecht with confetti in background

Isabel Siebrecht is a graduating senior with majors in Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies (GSF) and Global Health and has served as a Trinity Ambassador for GSF. Trinity Ambassadors are student volunteers, nominated by their departments, to serve in this unique and important role.

We asked a few of the ambassadors from the Class of 2024 to share their favorite memories from Duke. The below interview has been slightly edited for clarity.


What was one of the most impactful classes you took during your time at Duke?

Dr. Megan Huchko's global reproductive health course was the most transformative class I took at Duke. The engaging material and Dr. Huchko's mentorship ignited my passion for the field, inspiring me to join her research team in Kenya, double major in Global Health and Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies, and pursue a career in global reproductive health.

What was the most important thing you’ve learned at Duke?

The most valuable lesson I learned at Duke was to pursue knowledge for its own sake, not just for grades. My most fulfilling classes were those I chose out of genuine interest in the subject or professor, and these mentors taught me to embrace the process of inquiry and discovery rather than fixating solely on finding the answers. 

What will you miss the most about Duke after graduation?

I will miss the proximity to my friends and the brilliant professors who made every day intellectually stimulating. Duke's incredible resources and unrivaled school spirit created an atmosphere I will always cherish.