In order to encourage Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies students (both undergraduate and graduate students) to attend interdisciplinary events, present their research at academic or professional conferences, and take part in special projects where they can deepen their feminist education, the program offers a limited amount of travel and research funding each year.
A limited number of grants of up to $500 each (for reimbursable expenses as specified by the university) are available to students twice a year. To apply students must complete the Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies Travel Award online Application that details the purpose of the travel, its educational importance and a budget.
Research and Conference Period Deadlines
The Fall application deadline is October 1 (for travel November through May) and the Spring application deadline is March 31st (for travel June through October). Awards are not given outside of the established cycles. With limited funds, preference is given to Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies majors/minors/certificate students.
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Grants (Undergraduates)
National Women's Studies Association (Graduate Students)
The GSF graduate program offers a separate $600 travel award to any Duke graduate student presenting a paper (i.e., that is accepted) at the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) annual conference. Generally paper proposals are due by May and the NWSA conference is held in November. The NWSA membership fee is due at the time of submission. Students who submit their NWSA Conference Award applications and are awarded will be reimbursed for their membership fee. NWSA may offer travel support as well. For advice on submissions, consult the DGS or other GSF faculty. To apply for the NWSA Conference Award, graduates students should complete the online NWSA Conference Award application by October 1st.
Duke Travel Requirements
It is critical that you review the Human Subjects protocol to determine if your project needs review; this includes research projects that involves interviewing individuals. Contact the Office of Research Support for additional information and assistance (684-3030 or email
Please note that you are required to review the University Travel Policy and complete the on-line Travel Registration Form prior to your actual travel. Please confirm your completion of the Registration form by forwarding the confirmation email you receive after you process the form to