
Postdoctoral Associate Search for 2024-2025

The Duke University Program in Gender, Sexuality & Feminist (GSF) Studies invites applications for a residential postdoctoral associate focused on “Feminism and the Culture Wars” for the 2025-2026 academic year. Through research, teaching, and service, the associate will contribute to the overall work of the GSF Program. We seek candidates with training in Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies and allied fields with a specific research focus on the culture wars, broadly construed, and feminism’s historical and/or contemporary entanglements with moral panic. We welcome a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives that situate the culture wars in a transnational context, from anti-LGBTQ extremism and Islamophobia to the border “crisis” and climate change denialism. Research may examine the affective politics of moral panic, as well as liberatory modes of resistance like decolonization, demilitarization, abolition, and transformative justice. Scholars with expertise in the following areas are encouraged to apply: transmisogyny; the policing of sex and sexuality; anti-abortion movements; purity culture; xenophobia and the refugee crisis; the war on terror; the war on drugs; and anti-intellectualism. 

Postdoctoral associates are expected to participate in a faculty-graduate seminar and work with faculty developing research and programming in this area. The position includes a stipend, health insurance, and office space. Applicants should have PhD in hand by July 1, 2025. 

In addition to a letter of application, please include: 
*a writing sample (no more than 25 pages) 
*a C.V.
*names and contact information for three references.

Please submit applications electronically by January 15, 2025, through AcademicJobsOnline

Finalists will be asked to submit three reference letters.