Major & Minor Requirements

Exterior shot of the GSF office front door
Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, 112 East Duke Building, East Campus

⇒ GSF 299S—Feminist Theory. This course is always offered in spring term (Tues/Thurs, 11:45 am-1:00 pm) and was previously named GSF 199S. Students are expected to complete the course no later than spring term of junior year.

⇒ GSF 499S—Capstone Senior Seminar in Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies. This course is always offered in fall term (Fri, 10:05 am-12:35 pm). GSF 299S is a prerequisite.

⇒ One GSF-Housed Course numbered between 100-199

⇒ One GSF-Housed Course numbered between 200-298

⇒ Three GSF-Housed Courses numbered between 300-599

⇒ Three additional elective courses from among all GSF-Housed Courses and GSF Cross-Listed Courses, one of which may be a Constellations course, FOCUS course, or First-Year Seminar.

GSF 199S/GSF 299S—Thinking Gender/Feminist Theory. Students are expected to complete the course no later than spring of junior year.

GSF 499S—Capstone Senior Seminar in Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies (always offered fall term). Completion of GSF 199S/299S is a prerequisite.

⇒ Four GSF-Housed Courses numbered between 300-599 (note extended range).

⇒ Four additional elective courses from among all GSF-Housed Courses or GSF Cross-Listed Courses, two of which may be numbered up to 198.

Transfer and study abroad courses: A student in any matriculating cohort may apply to count toward the GSF major up to three transfer or study abroad courses by submitting the full syllabus to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), who will evaluate it against GSF course criteria.

Duke courses not currently cross-listed: A student in any matriculating cohort may apply to count toward elective credit in the major a course offered in another department at Duke by submitting the full syllabus to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, who will evaluate it against GSF course criteria.

Major Forms: Download, complete, save as a Word document, and submit by email to the GSF Major24 Form or GSF Major Form to declare an intention to major in GSF, be assigned a GSF faculty advisor, and be acknowledged as a GSF major. See Advising for details.

Student-Originated IDMs: In addition to meeting Trinity College requirements for an Interdepartmental Major (Program I), GSF IDM students are required to complete GSF 299S (Feminist Theory), GSF 499S (Senior Seminar), and a minimum of 3 additional GSF-Housed courses numbered 300 or higher; the remaining 2 of 7 total courses in GSF are to be completed from among GSF-Housed or Cross-Listed courses numbered 200 or higher. Students may apply to count toward the GSF portion of the IDM up to one transfer or study abroad course by submitting the full syllabus to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, who will evaluate it against GSF course criteria; may apply to count toward elective credit in the GSF portion of the IDM a course offered in another department by submitting the syllabus, which will be evaluated against GSF course criteria; and must complete a GSF IDM major form (contact the Assistant to the DUS for the form) and update it with the GSF faculty advisor every term during the pre-registration period.

⇒ GSF 299S—Feminist Theory (always offered spring term, previously GSF 199S)

⇒ One GSF-Housed Course numbered between 89-199

⇒ Two GSF-Housed Courses numbered between 200-599, excluding GSF 499S

⇒ One additional elective course chosen from among all GSF-Housed Courses and GSF Cross-Listed Courses numbered between 200-599, excluding GSF 499S

GSF 199S/GSF 299S—Thinking Gender/Feminist Theory (students are expected to complete the course no later than spring of junior year)

⇒ Two GSF-Housed Courses numbered between 300-599 (note extended range), excluding GSF 499S

⇒ Two additional elective courses from among all GSF-Housed Courses up to 599, excluding 499S) or GSF Cross-Listed Courses, one of which may be numbered between 89 and 198

Transfer and study abroad courses: A student in any matriculating cohort may apply to count toward the GSF minor one transfer or study abroad course by submitting the full syllabus to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), who will evaluate it against GSF criteria.

Duke courses not currently cross-listed: A student in any matriculating cohort may apply to count toward elective credit in the minor a course offered in another department at Duke by submitting the syllabus, which will be evaluated against GSF cross-listing criteria.

Minor Forms: Download, complete, save, and submit by email to the GSF Minor24 Form or GSF Minor Form (docx, 83 kB) to start the process of declaring an intention to minor in GSF. Declared GSF minors must regularly update and file this form with our office to be cleared for graduation with the minor in Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies.

SXL 199S/GSF 202—Introduction to Sexuality Studies (ideally taken by end of sophomore year)

Four SXL elective courses, one of which must be a seminar (S) at the 300 level or above.

Electives may include, with permission of the Director of Undergraduate Studies, an independent study, including original research, on a topic focused on sexuality studies; a study abroad course with 50% or more focus on sexuality studies themes; or a relevant course offered by another unit that is not cross-listed with SXL (based on syllabus evaluation).

*The SXL minor will no longer be offered beginning with the matriculating class of fall 2025. Related, the SXL course moniker will no longer appear in DukeHub.