Transnational Feminism

GSF 369S

Explore feminist projects and approaches that cross a variety of borders. Under what conditions is solidarity across difference and inequality possible? This seminar examines this and other questions using relevant theories, film, and scholarship. Topics include activism, human rights, development, capitalism, war/militarization, racism, embodiment, and health. Assigned readings and films largely focus on the Global South but situate the Global North within circuits and relationships. The professor guides each student in preparing an original research paper on a relevant topic of interest to the student.
Curriculum Codes
  • CCI
  • EI
  • R
  • SS
Cross-Listed As
  • GLHLTH 208S
  • HISTORY 249S
  • ICS 208S
  • RIGHTS 369S
  • SOCIOL 208S
Typically Offered
Fall and/or Spring